Thursday, April 2, 2009

Please Allow Me to Elaborate

Yesterday I had a minute so I posted what I would be talking about today, mostly because I didn't want to forget today when I did my Thursday blog. That sentence seems pretty jumbled, but I'm really tired, so let slide, eh?

so numero uno: The most awesomest ringtone ever. It's the theme to Flight of the Conchords. If you've never seen this gem of a program, call your cable company, get HBO and start watching immediately. If you're not going to do that. here's a youtube video for demonstration:

dos: I learned how to c-walk at work yesterday. My never-ending battle with my printer came to a full on stop yesterday after I was completely defeated, and I couldn't do much of anything, so when Christian came in I asked him to teach me how to c-walk. It involves bending the knees, stepping out and hopping forward. I attempted this in heels first, so of course, I almost fell. But once I got my shoes off I did alright.

tres: I have a boo. His name is Chris and he's awesome. He lives in Mobile, which sucks, but we have so much fun together.

quatro: It's APRIL! Concert tour 2009 is about to get rollin' once again. I have FOTC in about a week, Dave the next Monday and Ray the next Monday after that. It's going to be amazing. AMAZING. Shrop, Luc and I are going to make our best Bret McKenzie tshirts with animal prints on them. Yeah, I know I'm 25 years old.

cinco: who has two thumbs and gets to go to prom again? This girl. Chris works at Alabama School of Math and Science, aka, Hogwart's school of witchcraft and wizardry. Their prom is the weekend I'm going home this month, and he has to chaperon so he got the ok to have me as his date. I'll get to meet all of the kids on his hall and see the Battleship for the first time in my life. We both have lived in Mobile most of our lives, and neither one of us has ever been.

seis: I had my first lesson with Harry in over a month yesterday afternoon! It went GREAT. I was ready for some practice, and I feel like I'm getting better. Harry was in a really good mood, too, which helps. He was goofing off, which is a side of him I don't get to see that often. Anyway, turns out I'm a total freak at drumming, because the things that are supposed to be hard for everyone are easy for me, and the things that are supposed to be the easiest I just don't get. Not surprising. I don't do anything the conventional way it seems. So I'm having trouble getting my right hand and right foot to cooperate together. (The highhat and the bass drum) They seem to want to get into a pattern of doing the same thing. Harry says the best thing is to prioritize what I want to train my body to do first, and then add in the more factors. Like just play the highhat and bass for a minute or just play the bass and the snare, and not worry about the third component until I'm ready. I felt good about things yesterday, though, and it's always good to see sweet Harry. Even if he is a total show-off sometimes!

so that's what's happening in my life right now. Things are good. Hopefully they'll stay that way for a while! Until next time...

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