Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day, Loves

So I know I'm supposed to be bitter and whatever, but I can't help but love the love on the big V-day.

I have great friends. The kind of friends you watch on the CW or the show "Friends", (don't lie-you watch it) that you think "Friendships aren't really like that." But mine are, and I'm so appreciative. So, in honor of the most reverred (and hated, simultaniously) holidays, I present:

Youtube Series of Friendship Videos (2009 Edition). Enjoy, and I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Booooo the scrubs video is no longer available. You totally should've put the song "Friends Forever" from the short-lived Zack Attack on Saved By the Bell. "We'll be friends forever, til the end of tiiiiiiiiiiime...Frieeeeeeeeends forever, always will be friends, talkin bout frieeeeeeeeeends forever..."

And I love Bret and Jemaine...we'll be seeing them April 11th. waaaaah!